An InsureTech company in the United States that also owns an insurance wholesale operation which is licensed in all 50 states.
Websites use cookies for different purposes, including saving data during a visitor session. A potential problem might happen while running automated tests, the website under test might be saving specific data in the same cookie for multiple tests. This leads to performance issues when we execute multiple test cases parallel.
Our Strategy:
Teardown functionality implementation deletes all cookies before executing a test case in another browser. A cookie saves information on the hard disk of the user’s computer. Websites can use it to track users, save preferences for the user or save any other data. Cookies can be set to expire at a certain time, or to be saved permanently (at least until the user decides to wipe all cookies). Handling cookies during automated testing is a common task since most websites are using cookies to track and retain specific user information.
Our Solution:
Setup and teardown are a set of keywords or instructions to be executed after the start of a test suite or test case execution. The opening and closing of browsers are the common steps in test cases. Therefore, each method must prepare and clean up all the Cookies. For that it has two important methods, setUp and tearDown. SetUp Called before the invocation of each test method in the given class. TearDown Called after the invocation of each test method to delete the cookies before executing another test case.
Business Outcome:
- Improve product quality and performance.
- Increase process efficiency.
Tech Stack:
Selenium, Java, XSLT, Xml.