Test Case and Defect management in Manual Testing

Test Case Defect Management


Key Services: Manual Testing



A web application that is utilized by numerous insurance agents, enabling them to create policies for customers with various carriers (multiple insurance companies) and facilitating payments and E-signatures on the same developed portal.



The absence of specified tools for tracking requirements, drafting test cases, and marking defects led to extensive rework by the team due to the lack of a concrete test management tool. Additionally, all requirements were communicated verbally.


Our Strategy:

Suggested a defined Test Management tool, which served as a centralized repository for all testing-related documents such as test cases and defects. This facilitated efficient tracking of testing progress throughout the project.


Our Solution:

We made the decision to utilize JIRA as our Test Management tool, which provided us with a platform to document all test cases, easily reuse them, and track defects, ultimately contributing to the production of a high-quality application.


Business Outcome:

  • Drafted over 300 test cases.
  • Significantly reduced time spent on manual tasks by eliminating traditional cut-copy-paste methods and enabling test case reuse.
  • Enhanced functionality coverage within the test cases.
  • Reduced manual effort for drafting test cases per requirement from 8 hours to 3 hours.
  • Logged and tracked over 150 defects until closure.
  • Provided visibility into QA activities through comprehensive reporting within the tool.


Tech Stack:

Jira, Confluence

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